دروس و كتب لطلاب المدارس العليا للأساتذة ـ لغة انجليزية
[ english ] A brief explanation of conjunctions
[ english ] Direct and indirect speech
[ english ] List of irregular verbs
[ english ] Modals of obligations and recommendation
[ english ] Passive voice
[ english ] Physical appearances
[ english ] Present , past , comparative , superlative , wh questions , sentences'forms
[ english ] Pronouns / adjectives / comparaison / superlative / adverbs
[ english ] Rules for irregular plural formation of nouns
[ english ] Spelling difference between british and american english
[ english ] Who and whom
[ Applied linguistics ] Interlanguage PES4 (Dr.Dendenne, Sétif)
[ Applied linguistics ] Pragmatics: Speech acts and politeness PES4 (Dr.Dendenne, Sétif)
[ Sociolinguistics ] Introduction to sociolinguistics (Dr.Dali Youcef, Oran)
[ TESD ] Content selection and organisation PES4 (Dr.Djouima, Constantine)