2nd exam of british civilization 2nd year
I - Give a brief definition to each of the following:
1) Lewis and Clark Expedition.
2) Louisiana Purchase.
3) Monroe Doctrine.
II- Choose TWO topics from the following and write a short coherent paragraph:
1). “…Christianity approved servitude, and that the Law of Moses had both assumed and positively established slavery…It is the order of nature and of God that the being of superior faculties and knowledge and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior”.
Southerner Thomas Roderick Dew 1832, The Cotton Kingdom, W.E.Odd(1919)
2).John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States(1825-1829), wrote in 1811: “The whole continent appears to be destined…to be peopled by one nation, The acquisition of a definite line of boundary to the Pacific forms a great epoch in our history.”
In the light of this Quotation, how did Manifest Destiny play an important part in justifying American Westwards Expansion?
3). What are the cause of the fight between North and South that finally erupted in secession and Civil War?
1) Lewis and Clark Expedition.
2) Louisiana Purchase.
3) Monroe Doctrine.
II- Choose TWO topics from the following and write a short coherent paragraph:
1). “…Christianity approved servitude, and that the Law of Moses had both assumed and positively established slavery…It is the order of nature and of God that the being of superior faculties and knowledge and therefore of superior power, should control and dispose of those who are inferior”.
Southerner Thomas Roderick Dew 1832, The Cotton Kingdom, W.E.Odd(1919)
2).John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States(1825-1829), wrote in 1811: “The whole continent appears to be destined…to be peopled by one nation, The acquisition of a definite line of boundary to the Pacific forms a great epoch in our history.”
In the light of this Quotation, how did Manifest Destiny play an important part in justifying American Westwards Expansion?
3). What are the cause of the fight between North and South that finally erupted in secession and Civil War?